Evolution is a process. Life is a journey, not a destination. Transformation takes time. As I continue growing, changing, learning, evolving, I find that sometimes I “fall short” and need to be reminded of the lessons I am trying to learn and strategies to move me forward. This week I am going to share one “lesson” a day that has recently come in handy for me and might serve as a helpful reminder for others.
Every person has a lesson to learn and a lesson to teach.

Those moments when I’m feeling judgmental or critical – and sometimes that is more often than I’d like to admit – a voice in my head gently reminds me that we are all doing the best that we can. This helps me remember that we are all at the place we need to be in this moment. We all experience pain and suffering, and we all want joy and happiness in our lives. And, I can learn a lesson from each and every person I meet, so long as I greet them with openness, curiosity and compassion.
What lesson have you learned or can you learn from someone you would have otherwise judged or criticized? Join the conversation by leaving a comment.