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What I’ve Learned about Contradictions


The other day I found myself reading something that completely contradicted something else I had read just a few weeks earlier. And I noticed that I started to feel almost indignant.

Which one am I supposed to believe? How can I learn from two opposing viewpoints?!

Then, I heard this voice in my head say, “Wait a minute, Amanda.

What if it’s not about which one is “right” and which one is “wrong” but rather what is the lesson here for me to take away?”

If you’re anything like me you might sometimes find it difficult or even frustrating to hear opposing or paradoxical statements—especially as we are learning how to expand ourselves into our highest version of ourselves.

In this video, I’m going to share with you how when we are aware enough to receive, it’s less about what one person or authority says on a matter and more about what message we are meant to learn from these seemingly contradictory claims.

It’s not “either/or;” it’s “both/and what’s the lesson I’m meant to learn in this moment?” {Tweet that!}

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

What lesson have you recently learned when you came up against something that at first seemed either paradoxical or downright contradictory?

I’d love to see what lessons you have learned so please take a moment and share with us in the comments below this post. What you share might be just the lesson someone else needs to learn today.

As we continue to expand into our awareness and start to put our parts back together to recreate the whole, sometimes we can get derailed by seemingly contradictory claims instead of remaining in our awareness and growth. So please pass this along to anyone in your life who you think might benefit from being reminded of how we can learn from these contradictions in order to have more of the life we want!

If you want more support in learning to listen to that part of you who is tired of getting derailed by contradictions and who knows the lesson to be learned, I invite you to sign up for one of my complimentary discovery sessions and sign up to receive more tips, tricks, and insights directly to your inbox.

P.S. I’m getting giddy with excitement to tell you more about a program I will be launching soon that helps people learn how to become more aware of their own goodness and begin to SOAR! (And if you are just dying to find out what it means to “SOAR” be sure to sign up and find out when I reveal it to the world!)

With gratitude…

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