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One Simple Question to Reduce Doubt


Do you ever find yourself wondering whether or not you should do something or feel guilty that you’re not doing something?

This has certainly been a recurring question in my life.

Sometimes it comes up when I’m considering hitting the snooze button. Most recently it came up while developing a program I’m getting ready to launch when exploring what I felt I “should” offer.

I started to notice that there is a big difference between being out of my comfort zone and out of alignment with what serves me best.

There are times when inaction serves our higher good and times when it doesn’t—and there’s a question we can ask to get clear on which one’s which.

If this sounds like a familiar struggle, then this video is for you. In this video, I share a simple question you can ask to help gauge those moments when you’re not quite sure how to feel or what to do.

When we ask, “Am I avoiding or allowing?” doubt and guilt begin to disappear. {Tweet that!}

After watching the video, give it a shot. Think back on times when you didn’t do things either because it would stretch your comfort zone or because it would leave you feeling unhappy or resentful, and you’ll start to be able to use this as a compass moving forward.

Now it’s your turn! Do you have any tricks or tips to gauge when you’re honoring your truth or hiding from your fears?

Head on over to the blog or Facebook page to share your wisdom in the comments below this video. I would love to see what sort of lessons we can learn.

So many of us struggle with feeling guilty or running ourselves into the ground because we aren’t clear on when to take action or when to allow ourselves to be true to ourselves.

Clarity comes from knowing if you’re hiding from your fears or honoring your truth. {Tweet that, too!}

With gratitude …

PS If you know anyone who could benefit from asking this simple question to experience more confidence and clarity in life, please share this with them.

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